Edison Central

Home Loans

Want the dream home? Find the right finance solution first.
With so many banks, building society’s, credit unions and so on….how do you know which product is for you?
Before stepping out to look at homes, you should ascertain what is a comfortable level of borrowing and what is the best mortgage for your situation. Claude has met many mortgage brokers over the years but none stand out like Vic Giannakis of Better Choice Home Loans. He gets to know Claude’s clients personally to understand their unique circumstances. Drawing from is vast experience, he’ll know which lenders will have the product that will meet the their needs. And he’ll negotiate for what’s right for them, not what’s right for the lenders.
Claude also finds Vic proactive in keeping him updated with the progress of a finance application, which in turn, gives his sellers comfort that a finance approval is not too far away.
No gimmicks, kick backs or poor advice - just everything you need to get the right finance for your dream home.